Whether you focused on general security, graffiti or loss prevention our officers can help protect your property, business and customers.
Apartment Complex Security
Kings Guards Security team is specifically trained to help protect the grounds and residents of your apartment complex property.
Hotels Security Guards
Guests want to feel welcome, and at home, but also safe from harm and theft when staying at your property. At Kings Guards America we specialize at providing an environment where you’re Guest feels safe, by patrolling your parking lots and walking your floors.
Construction Site Security
Expensive equipment, hazardous materials, and unfinished, unsecured buildings can make them attractive targets to thieves, vandals, and other lawbreakers. Our security officers will patrol the area and keep your equipment safe and secured in one or various sites.
Office Building Security
Whether you need one guard at the receptionist desk or a team of guards to monitor your facility, Kings Guards America can provide the security you need.